Delete Data
"username" : "root",
"password" : "root",
"ds" : "datastore1",
"c" : "collection1",
"q" : "delete",
"p" : {
"where" : [
{"c" : "_id", "x" : "EQ", "v" : "val"}
The above request deletes a record by its primary key. This is the simplest form of deleting a specific record from the database. The where condition is similar to the where for a search query. Complex delete operation that match a specific condition can also be executed to bulk delete data.
Deleting over a complex condition
"username" : "root",
"password" : "root",
"ds" : "datastore1",
"c" : "collection1",
"q" : "delete",
"p" : {
"where" : [
{"c" : "gender", "x" : "EQ", "v" : "M"},
{"c" : "age", "x" : "LT", "v" : 21}
"association" : "AND"
An exhaustive where clause can be put in to delete all records that satisfy the where condition. The association
parameter is optional and can take a value of AND / OR
, and is used to specify the correlation between multiple where conditions. The association is ignored for a single condition where clause, and is defaulted to AND if no association is specified for multiple where conditions.
Deleting all records
"username" : "root",
"password" : "root",
"ds" : "datastore1",
"c" : "collection1",
"q" : "delete",
"p" : {
"where" : [
{"c" : "_id", "x" : "NEQ", "v" : ""}
The above request will result in truncating the entire collection without warning. This is the same because the _id
column is a mandatory non null and non empty column. Deleting all items where _id
is not empty essentially defaults to all records in the collection, thus resulting in the entire collection to be truncated.
"ack" : "1",
"time" : 1000,
"rows": 1
The response simply provides the count of the number of records that are deleted as part of the delete operation. If the delete operation does not affect any records the rows
count will be 0
. A rows
value of 0
indicates a successful delete operation. An ack
value of 0
can be used to identify failure of the delete operation, along with cause of failure.
Updated over 6 years ago