List Watch Services


The command lists all the watch services running on the node on which the command is executed. If any watch service is register on a collection to which the logged in user does not have access, then the same will be omitted from the response.

blobcity>list-watch-services {ds}

An overloaded command allows for viewing the watch services running on all collections within the specified datastore only. The name of the datastore is specified by the {ds} parameter. If the user does not have access to a specific collection within the datastore then watch services registered on that data store will be omitted from the response.

`blobcity>list-watch-services {ds}.{collection}`

An additional overloaded command allows for viewing of watch services running on an individual collection. The name of the datastore is specified by the {ds} parameter and the name of the collection is specified by the {collection} parameter. If the user does not have access to the collection, or the collection is in-existent, the command will return an error response.