View Collection

blobcity>view-collection ds.collection

Used to view the schema structure of a collection. Response provides details on columns within the collection along with the meta information of the collection helping to identify the type of the collection (on-disk, in-memory or in-memory-nd) and the current replication settings.

Example response of view-collection on Users collection within test-ds datastore is shown below.

blobcity>view-collection test-ds.Users

replication-type:	DISTRIBUTED
replication-factor:	0
table-type:		ON_DISK
flexible-schema:	true
	Auto-define	Index		Type		Name
	none		btree		STRING		uid	
	none		btree		STRING		name	
	none		none		STRING		verified		
	uuid		unique		STRING		_id			PRIMARY
	none		btree		STRING		pwd	
	none		btree		STRING		email